Evidence summaries
On behalf of NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB, the Research Office awards Research Capability Funding (RCF) to academic teams to support:
the development of robust research proposals;
provision of evidence briefings to support commissioning decisions.
One page summaries and short evidence briefings




Early detection and prevention of cardiovascular disease and diabetes: complications in the community pharmacy setting.
Twigg MJ1, English E2, 1School of Pharmacy and 2School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of East Anglia, Norwich; February 2022.Summary


Supporting more effective health service responses to adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: the role of self-assessment tools
Adisa, O., & Allen, K., Centre for Abuse Research (CARe), Institute of Social Justice & Crime, University of Suffolk, February 2021.Summary


Can we safely increase HbA1c targets for older people with diabetes?
English, E., School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of East Anglia, Norwich; December 2020.Summary


Management of sleep for people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment and sleep disturbance.
Blacklock, J., Aldus, C., Fox, C. on behalf of the TIMES Study Team, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of East Anglia, Norwich; October 2020.Summary


Reasons for discontinuing oral anticoagulation therapy to treat atrial fibrillation.
Buck, J.1, Fromings Hill, J.1, Springate, C.2, Martin, A.2, Ghosh, B.2, Orlowski, A.3, Lee, G.4; 1University of East Anglia, 2Crystallise Ltd., 3Imperial College Health Partners, 4Kings College London; October 2020.Summary


Managing potentially inappropriate medication
Blacklock, J., Aldus, C., Loke, Y. on behalf of the MODA Study Team, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of East Anglia, Norwich; September 2020.Summary


Is person-centred social prescribing in older adults with frailty and/or dementia effective and cost-effective?
Blacklock, J., Aldus, C., Fox, C., Cross, J. on behalf of the SPIRAL Study Team, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of East Anglia, Norwich; September 2020.Summary


Intergenerational Practice
Burke, A., Jones, A., Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich; June 2020.Summary


Supporting people living with multimorbidity.
Micklewright, K., Farquhar, M., School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich; June 2020.Summary


Community based support for smoking relapse prevention.
Belderson, P., Ward, E., Notley, C. , Addiction Research Group, University of East Anglia, Norwich; May 2020.Summary


Post-Stroke Fatigue Guided Exercise Self-Help
Mares K., Clark L., School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich; September 2019.Summary


Hospital-Associated Deconditioning (HAD).
Hanson S1 , Jones A2 ,Lane K1 , Penhale B1 ; 1School of Health Sciences, 2Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich; July 2019.Summary


Identifying and discriminating between mild cognitive impairment, dementia, delirium and combinations: delivery of the most suitable care for patients.
Fox C1, Jimoh F1 ,Cross J2; 1Norwich Medical School, 2 School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich; June 2019.Summary


Support needs of informal carers and implications for improving carer support.
Micklewright K, Farquhar M, School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich; June 2019.Summary


Intervention to prevent, delay or reduce frailty in community-living older adults.
Fox C1, Jimoh F1 ,Cross J2; 1Norwich Medical School, 2 School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich; October 2018.Summary


Goal-setting for older patients with multimorbidity in primary care.
Lenaghan E, Salter C, Shiner A, Steel N; Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich; July 2018.Summary


Smartphone apps for the prevention of smoking lapses to prevent relapse: A brief evidence review.
Voolma SR1, Naughton, F2; 1Norwich Medical School, 2School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich; May 2018.Summary


What do we know about mHealth interventions and just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) to promote physical activity?
Houghton J1, Lane K1, Jones A2, Naughton1 , Hardeman W1; 1School of Health Sciences, 2Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich; May 2018.Summary


An asset-based approach for stroke survivors with aphasia and their families: promoting and sustaining wellbeing in the long-term.
Shiggins C1, Gracey F2, Duffy, I3, Horton S1; 1School of Health Sciences, 2Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich; 3Person with aphasia and expert by experience. April 2018.Summary


Deprescribing in primary care.
Blacklock J, Wright D; School of Pharmacy, University of East Anglia, Norwich; August 2017.Summary


Managing patients at high risk of problematic polypharmacy: potential role of the practice-based pharmacist.
Lenaghan L1, Nelson D1, Bhattacharya D2; 1Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich; 2School of Pharmacy, University of East Anglia; June 2017.Summary


Additional short briefings
What do we know about older people's involvement in a decision to move into a care home?
Killett, A., Lane, K., Backhouse, T., Penhale, B., Poland, F., School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich; September 2020
What do we know about behavioural crises in dementia?
Backhouse T, Camino J, Mioshi, E; Neurodegeneration Network (NNET),Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich; June 2017.
Educational and psychosocial interventions to prevent uptake of smoking by young people.
Gee B, Maskrey V, Blyth A, Holland R, Notley, C. Addiction Research, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich; September 2016.