Reporting and dissemination

It is likely you created a dissemination plan when you designed your study or as part of a funding application. As a minimum it is normally expected study findings are disseminated to:

    • Participating sites;

    • Study participants; and

    • Other interested stakeholders (e.g. commissioners, NICE, policy makers).

Your methods of dissemination should be appropriate to your audience – for example, we would expect a plain English summary to be provided for participants.

We will share any results we receive for studies in which practices or community organisations in Norfolk and Suffolk have been involved. When the project reaches its proposed end date the Research Office will request the final report/summary of results and any published papers for dissemination to general practices, CCGs and other relevant parties.

With your permission, copies of all final reports/publications/lay summaries resulting from the study will be disseminated via our website and regular Monthly Research Briefings. If there are any confidentiality issues which would prevent this dissemination at the time of contacting you, please inform the Research Office, along with a time frame when it is anticipated the results can be circulated.

If you are interested in the results of projects which have run locally you can find out more on our Research reports page.

Other web pages of interest:

NIHR Evidence.

The NIHR Journals Library provides access to study protocols and final reports of all NIHR funded and completed research.

The NIHR School for Primary Care Research (SPCR) publications.